The project is addressing the annual deficit in Kenya's meat market and the huge export market. Endless Africa has an end to end play the meat sector. This anchored on a community engagement model which seeks to commercialize livestock farming in the pastoralist communities. The project off-takes cattle, goats and sheep from pastoralist and ranchers across livestock producing counties which then go into the Endless feedlot ting program and thereafter into the market Endless Africa offers premium meat products through aggregated partnerships with African communities whilst creating positive impact in the communities where it operates.

The Endless Africa beef program is engaged in:
  • 1

    Livestock trading in the local and export markets

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    Producing premium beef cuts for retail in our outlets

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    Digitizing the market place through our online app: orders and deliveries

Our community engagement model is hinged on providing access to:
  • 1

    Market access for their livestock

  • 2

    Increasing productivity through various interventions

  • 3

    Providing extension services for the communities

  • 4

    Employing technology to help in identification and tracking of the animals

EAL allows investment into the beef program.

Frequently Ask Questions

a) Guarantees to ranchers for off-take, b) Infrastructure e.g., abattoir set-up, c) Trucks – cold chain.

1. Portfolio diversification 2. Capital growth and preservation 3. Long term investing 4. Opportunity to partner with us in Restoring Human Dignity through agriculture 5. Highly experienced technical and execution team

In 2019, Endless Africa Ltd piloted agro-production in the rice value chain in Mwea and Bura Irrigation schemes. The results: Increased rice production from an average of 5 MT/Ha to 10MT/Ha which was achieved in the first two seasons.

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